Working with Collection Supported Types

The goal of the workflow is to demonstrate the creation and working with collection cells. It is divided into three parts.
The "Collection types" section describes the two different collection types that are supported by KNIME namely
- Lists: list all elements including duplicates in the order they were added to the collection.
- Sets: list the elements in an arbitrary order but contain each element only once.

More GroupBy Examples

On adult.csv data set: on each one of the 4 groups defined by sex and income values, calculate total number of rows and average age and write results to a CSV file; on each one of the 4 groups defined by sex and income values, calculate the average of all numerical columns; on full input table count: a. rows with missing values in column occupation; b. all rows in column occupation; c. rows with no missing value in column occupation; d. all rows in another column (i.e. marital-status). Notice that this number should be the same as the number in 2.

Advanced Usage of the GroupBy node

This workflow shows the many aggregation options that the GroupBy node offers.
We start from customer data, group on Gender or more features, and run a few different aggregation methods on a few different features. Here we demonstrate grouping on multiple features, pattern based grouping and aggregation without grouping for calculating statistics.

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